Become a part of Berger

Kick-start your career

The training of young people has been a priority at Berger for a very long time now. We have been investing in the professional future of young people since 1959. During a very varied training course, a team from our training section, professional trainers and highly qualified supervisors in all technical areas provide you with the skills that you will need for a particular career.

Become a part of Berger.
We will give you something that nobody can ever take from you: First-class training!

Your training at Berger

What matters to us and what we can offer you

Become a part of the Berger family

Our trainees are a valuable part of our Team. More than a thousand young people have started their careers with Berger from our Training programs since our company was founded over 65 years ago. Our many years of experience in training, the first class training equipment in our factories and the freedom we give to people to express their ideas are the very best preconditions for your professional success. For every trainee who successfully completes their training program, Berger offers a permanent job, and an opportunity to develop a career with us. We provide appropriate work clothing in the technical sections, and a modern teaching workshop. Our trainees also enjoy excursions and visits to trade fairs, to further their education.

Trainees in both our technical and commercial training options will be assured that

  • You will be in good hands: We have a very family-like corporate climate.
  • You will be prepared: During the time of your training you will pass through all the departments and as a result you will get to know the work flows and processes in the company. It this way you will be perfectly prepared for your subsequent working life.
  • We encourage independence: Our commercial and business trainees are given small to medium-sized projects to handle on their own.
  • Having a career perspective: Our goal is to transform our trainees into qualified and valuable employees.With your demonstrated performance and commitment, we can give you the very best opportunities to get ahead and develop your career.
  • Being encouraged to 'get ahead': In addition to daily training, we also offer training seminars.
  • Togetherness brings strength: Shared experiences and excursions during the program give our trainees a sense of belonging with each other, and they become a strong, close-knit team.

ABA = Alois Berger Azubis (trainees)

The training company

Established in 2009 at our Ottobeuren plant, ABA is a training company at Berger. Here, commercial and industrial trainees work together. You will learn to work independently, and with hands-on assignments through ABA, you will see how the business world functions. The ABA company carries out numerous activities, such as the yearly Christmas Market in Ottobeuren and the annual raffle for the Berger workforce. ABA also manufactures its own products during training workshops, e.g. shopping cart chips, salt shakers and ballpoint pens. These products are then sold, with the proceeds returned back to the ABA trainees, to fund various team building activities, or for charitable donations.

Today we have more than 150 trainees in Germany in the following professional fields

  • Cutting machine operators (m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen, Ottobeuren, Ummendorf and Wertach location
  • Industrial mechanics (m/f/o)
    at the Ottobeuren and Wertach location
  • Electronic engineers (EAT) for automation technology (m/f/o)
    at the Ottobeuren location
  • Commercial clerks (m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen, Ottobeuren, Ummendorf and Wertach location
  • Clerks for digitization management m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen location
  • IT specialists for system integration (m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen location
  • Specialist for warehouse logistics (m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen and Ottobeuren location
  • Specialists for metal technology - FR metal cutting (m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen location
  • Mechatronic engineers (m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen and Ottobeuren location
  • Machine and system operators m/f/o)
    at the Memmingen, Ottobeuren and Ummendorf location

Fachkraft für Metalltechnik Fachrichtung Zerspanungstechnik (m/w/d)88444 Ummendorf (DE)


Es handelt sich um einen anerkannten Ausbildungsberuf nach dem Berufsbildungsgesetz. Die Ausbildung erfolgt im Wesentlichen im Ausbildungsbetrieb und in der Berufsschule.

Inhalt und Ablauf

Du suchst eine Ausbildung, die dir nicht nur Freude bereitet, sondern auch eine berufliche Perspektive bietet? Dann wäre der Ausbildungsberuf Fachkraft Metalltechnik mit Fachrichtung Zerspanungstechnik genau das Richtige für dich. Maschinen bestehen aus vielen Bauteilen, welche mit äußerster Präzision gefertigt sein müssen, sodass diese keine Mängel aufweisen. Als Fachkraft Metalltechnik hast du ein Auge für Details und Feinheiten, denn du fertigst präzise Teile aus Metall und anderen Materialien durch Verfahren wie Drehen, Fräsen, Bohren und Schleifen. Dabei arbeitest du in der Regel mit CNC-Maschinen, welche du selbst einrichtest und bedienst. Gleichzeitig überwachst und optimierst du den Fertigungsprozess.
  • 2 Jahre
  • 1. Lehrjahr 2,5 Tage pro Woche
  • 2. Lehrjahr 1 Tag pro Woche
  • Technisches Interesse
  • Leistungsbereitschaft
  • Feinmotorische Fähigkeiten
  • Logisches Denken
  • Handwerkliches Geschick
  • Meister
  • Techniker
  • Technischer Fachwirt

Your application

We prefer applications using our application form. Please send your application for our Ummendorf location to Ms Schmid. You have some general questions concerning the application process? Ms Schmid would be glad to answer them: +49 (7351) 3418-3327.

You should have the following documents as PDF files ready for uploading:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae, including your full personal data
  • Current certificates and academic qualifications
  • Your photo in a current image format (optional)
Once you have sent the form to us you will get by e-mail a confirmation that we have received it.
apply now

Tips from Berger for a job application

Maximize your chances

We prefer to receive applications through our application form. You should have the following documents in the form of PDFs ready for uploading:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae, including personal details
  • Current certificates
  • Photo (optional)


Second step: Fill out the form, upload the files and send them off.

The maximum size of all the files together may not exceed 15 MB. You will get a confirmation of receipt by e-mail.


Online application

Training as a cutting machine operator

Precision mechanical engineering – excellent training

What does a cutting machine operator do actually? What is the training like? How does a typical working day look? Our trainees take you with them and give you a quick look at your training at Berger in this video.

Our training locations

Your Berger plant

Berger is active worldwide in the development and production of precision parts. We have a total of four locations in Germany, at which we can offer you various forms of training for a career.


Alois Berger GmbH & Co. KG High-Tech-Zerspanung


Alois Berger GmbH & Co. Präzisions-Maschinenbauteile KG


A. Berger Präzisionsdrehteile GmbH & Co. KG


Berger Feintechnik GmbH

Berger Memmingen & Berger Wertach
Berger Ottobeuren
Berger Ummendorf

An internship at Berger

You are not sure if you like a vocational training course for a career? We also offer internships for those still in school, for those who are retraining, or for university students.

Those who are at the higher levels of school can gain their first professional experience through an internship with Berger and find out more about our training programs.

Excellent quality

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